"Looking Up BW"
13 May 2023
7 November 2023
"Taking Off (Cotton Candy texture)"
3 September 2021
"Abstract #2 of Blackberries Galore"
25 August 2021
"TNA Boundary"
19 August 2021
"Super Wabi Tree"
5 January 2021
Lotta on "Riverfront Park #2"
Absolutely gorgeous autumn colors.
Lisa on Morning Beams
Aubélia Vanneste on "Ethereal"
This is great!
Jason Kravitz on Base for Abstract
this is a great minimal effect
Vaido on "Wonderful Fog" (Abstract)
Interesting result.
Roland on "Wonderful Fog" (Abstract)
Bel effet
ElinaK on Base for Abstract
Beautiful, love this!
Dimitrios on "Rain is Coming"
Daniel on Magnificent Forest
Joli sous-bois !
Ted on "Late Spring"
Superb lighting that makes those colours pop.
Daniel on "Late Spring"
Joli cadrage !!!!
Ana Lúcia on "Dog Park BW"
beach on "Dog Park BW"
The black and white forces us to focus on the stately tree.
Daniel on "Dog Park BW"
Un bien bel arbre !!!!
beach on "Leaning Wabi"
There is a decided tilt to that old fellow.
john4jack on "Yard Wabi" 2. Abstract
Thanks everybody.
Harry on "Yard Wabi" 2. Abstract
successful abstraction - dreamy & moody
beach on "Yard Wabi" 2. Abstract
Nice abstract with the lines and greenish tones.
Daniel on "Yard Wabi" 2. Abstract
Superbe effet !
Devi on "Magical Shepherd's Beard"
A superb image ! Lovely fairy-tale like mood!
Akbar&Armaghan on "Wabi Winter-Line & Ink"
Wonderful shot!
beach on "Wabi Winter-Line & Ink"
Clouds are stunning
Akbar&Armaghan on "Down To The River"
Beautiful shot!
lmmylo on "Down To The River"
Clever placement of the red. Lovely photo.
beach on "Down To The River"
To fish? To swim? To be baptized? The red sure captures my attention.
Dimitrios on "Down To The River"
very good
beach on "Wabi Winter in 2024"
I love the sky.
Dimitrios on "Wabi Winter in 2024"
great frame
Marie on "Wabi Winter in 2024"
Just a superb place and beautiful framing and colors
Daniel on "Wabi Winter in 2024"
Superbe composition !!!!!
Daniel on "Neat Stump, Acrylic"
Joli travail !
lmmylo on "Interesting Stump"
Looks like a fairy tale.
Devi on "Interesting Stump"
Lovely image ! I can spot a shrunk human face in that bottom short stump :)))) Like some Victorian Era Knight!
beach on "Interesting Stump"
Yes. A lot of history in that old stump. If only we could unlock its voice and hear what it has to tell us.
Devi on "Marys River, High Water"
Aw!! Fantastic image :))
beach on "Cool Cloud"
Clouds always fascinate me. Thanks for the shot.
Devi on "Cool Cloud"
Lovely image !
Devi on w/ForestStream LUT
Wow....fantastic image !
Devi on "Sit a Spell"
Aw!! Fantastic image !! Awesome image :)))
Giulio on "Sit a Spell"
Un joli mélange de lumières et de couleurs
Daniel on "Sit a Spell"
Magnifique éclairage !!!!
Marie-Line on "Sit a Spell"
Wonderful spot
Akbar&Armaghan on "Leaving the TNA"
Beautiful nature!
Marie-Line on "Dog Park Wabi Sabi"
Marie-Line on "Thru the Trees"
It's beautiful
Marie-Line on "Looking North"
Stunning landscape
lmmylo on "Mid-winter, Acrylic"
Excellent graphic rendition.
Devi on "Mid-winter"
Beautiful image :))))
Devi on "Sun's Out!!!"
Aw!!! Lovely image !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daniel on "Sun's Out!!!"
Superbe ciel !