Dear Friends, Due to illness, I am not able to comment on your work, nor am I able to respond to your much appreciated comments; thus far I have been to read all of your wonderful comments when I get a little surge of energy. Hopefully this won't last long. I do have photographs set up to be posted into June.
This is one of the lovely wildflowers captured in my Columbia Gorge Workshop.
"Simply look with perceptive eyes at the world about you, and trust to your own reactions and convictions. Ask yourself: "Does this subject move me to feel, think and dream? Can I visualize a print - my own personal statement of what I feel and want to convey - from the subject before me?" - Ansel Adams
@Yvonne S.: Thank you.
@Vachel: Thank you.
@Scott Schilling: Thanks, Scott.
@PATRICK: Thanks, Patrick.
@chrissy: Thank you, Chrissy.
@Toni: It might be a form of delphinium.
@Mathilde Collot: Thank you, Mathilde.
@Anna.C: Thank you, Anna.
@Sarito: Thank you.
@P J W Miller: Thank you; glad that it makes you feel happy.
@Betty: Thanks, Betty.
@dkc: Thank you; it is the original background.
@Alivia: Thanks, Dane.
@Linerberry: Thanks, Caroline.
@Cricket-Tammy: Thanks, Tammy.
@Tracy: Thanks, Tracy.
@MontereyJohn: Thanks, John.
@vu@granby: Thank you, good friend.
@dj.tigersprout: Wow! Thanks, dj.
@Francesc B.: Thank you, I am doing much better this evening.
@Ajay: Thanks, Ajay.
@Marie-Hélène Ammor: Am doing much better this evening; thank you.
@Viewfinder: Feeling much better this evening; thank you.
@Evelyne Dubos: Thanks, Evelyne.
@Denise: Thanks, Denise; I am improving dramatically (although not totally out of the woods).