Fiona loves her shades; maybe even more than Silly Tuesday!! (You can see Grandpa Jack and Grammie Ellie in her lens.)
@Vachel: Thank you.
@Yvonne S.: Thanks.
@Jean-François: Yes it is.
@Bill Jennings: Thanks, Bill.
@rem_la: Thank you.
@Mathilde Collot: Thank you, dear friend.
@lydia: Thanks.
@zOOm: Got it, and responded.
@Magda: Thanks.
@MaryB: Thanks, Mary.
@Judy: Absolutely.
@Marie-Hélène Ammor: Thanks, M-H.
@xavier cardell: Thanks.
@bluechameleon: Thanks, Sharon.
@Tracy: Thank, Tracy.
@P J W Miller: Thanks, Peter.
@Marie LC: You bet!
@jeff (aka dogilicious): Thanks, Jeff. Yes, she is.
@Sarah Schneider Photography: Some people will do anything to get into the act.
@kerfendal: She is lively.
@Alivia: She is full of life!
@LauraS: Thanks, Laura.
@k@: She is a pistol!
@Toni: It's gotta be the tongue that does it!