You wouldn't believe the crud what was on the hull of this boat. Fiona loves seeing boats in slings.
@SCOTT F. SCHILLING: Thanks, Scott.
@Magda: Thank you.
@Dulcie: Common scene in working boatyards.
@khadi: Thank you.
@Veronique: Also barnacles. In addition to power spraying, they scraped the bottom.
@MARIANA: It's a common scene in working boatyards. Our granddaughter goes bonkers over big boats in slings.
@Lorraine: So delighted that you are still with us.
@shallowregret: You could spend days photographing (which, of course, we did).
@MJ: Thank you.
@Nadia Olisa: Thank goodness it is their mess!!
@B. Thomas: Unfortunately I have already deleted all of the shots taken after it was clean.
@Lee: The spray made the shot.
@Tammy-Cricket: Thanks.