Being neat and orderly is not a hallmark of a working boatyard.
@Sof: Absolutely. Just like us; right??
@Nicholas: Not unlike my desk.
@Dulcie: Thanks, Dulcie.
@Anina: Thanks, Anina. They probably find things the same way that I can go straight to the piece of paper that I want on my chaotic desk (it drives my wife nuts).
@Ana Lúcia: For those of us who tend to be messy, this is somewhat reassuring!!
@Monique: Just so you know, it is not a paradigm of my mind!!!
@Tracy: Thanks, Tracy.
@Viewfinder: Having recently spent a bunch of time in SF, you should appreciate tomorrow's Silly Tuesday shot.
@MARIANA: Thanks, Mariana.
@Ajay: First, you get a bulldozer and clear out around it!!
@dj.tigersprout: HDR? - answer, Yes; we had a wide range of light that morning. I use HDR primarily to cover range of light. When I use Photomatix, I keep it as bland as possible, and then do my major color work in LR and PS. Because I use Nik's "Tonal Contrast" filter in Color Efex, sometimes people think that it is an HDR image when it is not. But in this case, it was HDR.
@marc battault: You and me both, Marc. Most of my life, I have lived close to the sea.
@shallowregret: The easiest way to avoid HDR is by using Split ND filters with the camera, but that also has its problems when you have a complicated scene. And, you can deal with a dynamic range that exceeds the capacity of the camera by what is often time-consuming work in PS. My tendency is to do things the easiest way possible; that is, unless I am going to print the photograph; then, I am willing to do whatever work is required. When posting every day on Am3, I don't have either the time or the energy to do extensive post-processing. Part of the problem is that I really don't like spending time in the digital darkroom.
@bluechameleon: Thanks, Sharon. We visited a number of boatyards on that trip. They are a photographer's gold mine.
@Sarah: Merci, Sarah.
@Judy: Thanks, Judy.
@willow: Thank you.
@Steven: Thanks, Steven.
@Michael Rawluk ht: Yep.
@Magda: HDR? Yes. Thanks.
@Sriram: Thank you.
@baobab: There may be some truth in that. I'm a slob at home, but my backpack is obsessively orderly.
@StarCosmosBleu: If it wasn't a "working boats" yard, it probably wouldn't be. This actually is across the road from the marina.