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Neat and Orderly

Posted by
john4jack (Corvallis, Oregon, United States) on 24 August 2009 in Business & Industry and Portfolio.

Being neat and orderly is not a hallmark of a working boatyard.

NIKON D700 F/8.0 ISO 200 32 mm

Linerberry from Sumner, Christchurch, New Zealand

Blimey, how could one find anything!!!!! I love the wood on that boat! Great shot!

24 Aug 2009 5:31am

Lydie et Roland from BESANCON, France

what shambles !!! but nicely colored

24 Aug 2009 5:33am

Sof from Neuchâtel, Switzerland

C'est souvent la vie qu'il y a autour des bateaux en réparation.
Joli clin d'oeil

24 Aug 2009 5:48am

@Sof: Absolutely. Just like us; right??

PATRICK from miramas, France

great capture

24 Aug 2009 5:50am

Nicholas from Shah Alam, Malaysia

I am sure if it was arranged neater, they won't be able to find what they want! :P

24 Aug 2009 5:59am

@Nicholas: Not unlike my desk.

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

NOT!! Nice shot, and perfect title.

24 Aug 2009 5:59am

Dulcie from Danville, CA, United States

Would be a good ST shot.
I love looking at all that disorderly detail. It sets my imagination going.
Your photo is superb in story, detail, clear focus and lovely color quality.

24 Aug 2009 6:57am

@Dulcie: Thanks, Dulcie.

Anina from Auckland, New Zealand

My goodness! How on earth do they find their tools or whatever they need for that matter... :)
Great shot!
Love the colours, detail and focus

24 Aug 2009 8:40am

@Anina: Thanks, Anina. They probably find things the same way that I can go straight to the piece of paper that I want on my chaotic desk (it drives my wife nuts).

Elena Kotrotsou from Drossia, Greece

Very beautiful

24 Aug 2009 10:12am

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

Like this a lot. A nice capture. Like the confusion.

24 Aug 2009 10:25am

@Ana Lúcia: For those of us who tend to be messy, this is somewhat reassuring!!

akarui from Kagoshima, Japan

Having some big renovation may be with all the stuff around.

24 Aug 2009 10:37am

kerfendal from Paris, France

so much things like in my son's bedroom, nice shot

24 Aug 2009 10:56am

Marie-Hélène Ammor from Casablanca/Paris, Morocco

Oh I like very much this atmosphere of shipyard ! Very beautiful colors !

24 Aug 2009 11:09am

bekkah from United States

ha! CHAOS! Great capture, there's plenty to take in on this one!!

24 Aug 2009 11:10am

Monique from Koh Samui, Thailand

I'm too neat, so this is my worst nightmare! :) Great chaotic shot!

24 Aug 2009 11:16am

@Monique: Just so you know, it is not a paradigm of my mind!!!

Lorraine from Gatineau, Canada

MMM I love it, gets all my creative juiices flowing freely like the waves it's not on ;)

24 Aug 2009 11:41am

Susan from Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Cool catch!!! perfect title too!!

24 Aug 2009 11:54am

alex centrella from California, United States

wow..great catch..lots going on here !

24 Aug 2009 1:45pm

Tracy from La Selva Beach, United States

"Organized" chaos! ? Wonderful shot! I love that you included all that stuff, Great story telling!

24 Aug 2009 1:51pm

@Tracy: Thanks, Tracy.

PD from Overland Park, Kansas, United States

A feast for the eyes! So much going on here - very interesting

24 Aug 2009 3:01pm

Anthony Morgan Lambert from Bielefeld(Old West Wales boy), Germany

Great lines,shapes and colours.Love it !!

24 Aug 2009 3:05pm

Don from spokane, United States

A marvelous scene to spot and shoot! I think it's the 'sea' version of the RVs we see permanently parked and used a living quarters. A fine shot.

24 Aug 2009 3:05pm

Viewfinder from Bradenton, FL, United States

So true. And such a great visual representation of that fact.

24 Aug 2009 3:06pm

@Viewfinder: Having recently spent a bunch of time in SF, you should appreciate tomorrow's Silly Tuesday shot.

Tammy-Cricket from somewhere out there, United States

I can only imagine the amount of rodents would find in there. I would think that you could just sit down and wait, and snap away.

This is great.

24 Aug 2009 3:32pm

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

It's quite colorful though. Great shot.

24 Aug 2009 4:04pm

MARIANA from Waterloo, Canada

Brilliant image with super framing !!!!

24 Aug 2009 4:07pm

@MARIANA: Thanks, Mariana.

Betty from New Jersey, United States

Wow, there's sure a lot going on. Looks like my computer desk at times! :-) Great composition and colors.

24 Aug 2009 4:34pm

Ajay from Pune, India

I am just wondering how they put it back in the water. :-)

24 Aug 2009 4:43pm

@Ajay: First, you get a bulldozer and clear out around it!!

dj.tigersprout from New York City, United States

beautiful shot! so much to look at!! wonderful light and contrasts and color!! i am tempted to ask if this has hdr processing?? :)

24 Aug 2009 5:22pm

@dj.tigersprout: HDR? - answer, Yes; we had a wide range of light that morning. I use HDR primarily to cover range of light. When I use Photomatix, I keep it as bland as possible, and then do my major color work in LR and PS. Because I use Nik's "Tonal Contrast" filter in Color Efex, sometimes people think that it is an HDR image when it is not. But in this case, it was HDR.

marc battault from clermont ferrand, France

I love that series, jack, I am fascinated by everything related to the sea!

24 Aug 2009 6:25pm

@marc battault: You and me both, Marc. Most of my life, I have lived close to the sea.

shallowregret from Kongsberg, Norway

you really got neat and orderly from total chaos. Still not sold on hdr but you are using it to its advantage.

24 Aug 2009 7:00pm

@shallowregret: The easiest way to avoid HDR is by using Split ND filters with the camera, but that also has its problems when you have a complicated scene. And, you can deal with a dynamic range that exceeds the capacity of the camera by what is often time-consuming work in PS. My tendency is to do things the easiest way possible; that is, unless I am going to print the photograph; then, I am willing to do whatever work is required. When posting every day on Am3, I don't have either the time or the energy to do extensive post-processing. Part of the problem is that I really don't like spending time in the digital darkroom.

k@ from Paris, France

The tiny one looks like a toy in comparison, great we all the scale, and what a great mess in here ! Love boats ! Bravo for the colors, Jack*

24 Aug 2009 7:52pm

john4jack from Corvallis, Oregon, United States

Merci, Karine. You're right; it does look like a toy.

24 Aug 2009 8:11pm

LauraS from Chico, United States

Another interesting shot of the dock... and all the things there.

24 Aug 2009 8:25pm

bluechameleon from Vancouver, Canada

This is great Jack! I really like the 'stuff' that is in this shot...showing all the things that come with boats and being in a shipyard. Well seen and documented.

24 Aug 2009 9:16pm

@bluechameleon: Thanks, Sharon. We visited a number of boatyards on that trip. They are a photographer's gold mine.

Sarah from Suisse, Switzerland

So much detail to take in and so many colours and textures to enjoy!! I like the mini boat behind the big one! :-)

24 Aug 2009 10:39pm

@Sarah: Merci, Sarah.

Judy from Brooksville, Florida, United States

A funny title for a very typical and active boatyard scene. 'Work' is the keyword and this is a great shot!

24 Aug 2009 11:21pm

@Judy: Thanks, Judy.

willow from Chelsea, United States

Looks more like organized chaos to me! So much to see, so much detail. I like the bright colors, too.

25 Aug 2009 1:02am

@willow: Thank you.

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

I love all the lines and angles you have captured here. The boat seems to be floating. There's also a sense of 3-D that I see here when I look at the dingy (assuming that's what it is). The dingy looks like it could be a boat in the distance because it seems so small...Aptly titled. The first thing I thought of is what you said to Anina. We may see it cluttered, but the person knows where everything is.

25 Aug 2009 2:22am

@Steven: Thanks, Steven.

Michael Rawluk ht from Williams Lake, BC, Canada

That is one huge pile of stuff.

25 Aug 2009 4:25am

@Michael Rawluk ht: Yep.

Magda from Vancouver, Canada

Fantastic! Is that HDR? The post processing is great for this image! Being so "busy" all around the treatment adds extra character. Great perspective and framing

25 Aug 2009 5:39am

@Magda: HDR? Yes. Thanks.

Sriram from Chennai, India

How is this possible for these things to still stand one on another w/o anything falling apart. Amazing capture. Great work.

25 Aug 2009 9:53am

@Sriram: Thank you.

baobab from Cambridge, United States

haha - perhaps they are messy on dry land as compensation for the need to be shipshape aboard? This scene does appear to be organised, if untidy...

25 Aug 2009 5:14pm

@baobab: There may be some truth in that. I'm a slob at home, but my backpack is obsessively orderly.

Anna.C from LA ROCHELLE, France

nice capture ! we have the same scene here, in La Rochelle, it's very common for us ! nice colors !

25 Aug 2009 7:32pm

amy from Nanaimo, BC, Canada

She looks like a fine boat: albeit a bit crowded. Great shot, Jack!

26 Aug 2009 2:20am

StarCosmosBleu from Bedford.Qc, Canada

Cool shot of a mess....i,m surprised it,s tolerated at the marina..they are usually pretty strict

28 Aug 2009 3:06pm

@StarCosmosBleu: If it wasn't a "working boats" yard, it probably wouldn't be. This actually is across the road from the marina.