On the road to Sumpter. This was taken on the eastern side of the Cascades heading toward Fossil. As you can see, the terrain is very different than what we have in Western Oregon. It is not always the most photogenic country, but I thought that you should see a little bit of this part of Oregon. I purposely did almost no post-processing on this shot. One of my goals, at least for the first few shots, is to give you a feel for the land.
@Japanalia: Thank you. And thanks for all of the information.
@Rand: Thanks. Like two different worlds.
@StarCosmosBleu: Thank you, and thanks for all of your kind comments on recent photographs.
@Yvon: Merci.
@Kiwisa: Thank you.
@Anina: Thanks, Anina.
@PATRICK: Merci.
@Florence: Merci, Florence.
@MrsAmber: Thanks, Kate.
@Lorraine: Thanks, Lorraine.
@*MЯG*: Thank you.
@Piia: Thank you.
@B. Thomas: Thanks.
@Barbara Kile: Thanks, Barbara.
@MARIANA: Merci, Mariana.
@Betty: Thanks, Betty.
@MJ: Thanks.
@Marie: Merci, Marie.
@Don: Thanks, Don. Nature is tenacious.
@marc battault: Merci.
@Tracy: Thanks, Tracy.
@LauraS: Thank you.
@Theys: Merci.
@Claudia: Thanks, Claudia.
@Curly: Thanks, Curly.
@Susan: Thanks, Susan.
@Elena Kotrotsou: Thank you.
@Steve Rice: Thanks, Steve.
@Michael: Thanks, Michael.
@Isabelle: Merci.
@Dulcie: Thanks, Dulcie.
@daniela scharnowski: Many thanks.
@willow: Thanks.
@Scott F. Schilling: Thanks, Scott.
@akarui: Thank you.
@Denise: In this isolated area, the water is pretty clear.
@bekkah: Thank you.
@Viewfinder: Thank you.
@Didier DE ZAN: Merci.
@dj.tigersprout: Thank you.
@Cricket-TammyWarren: Many thanks.
@Marie: Merci.
@Hiro: Thank you.