Narrow gauge railroads are few and far between. I thought about putting this up in B&W but ultimately felt that color was a better choice.
@Dulcie: Thank you.
@P J W Miller: Thanks.
@Marie LC: Merci.
@mo.langel: Merci.
@Lyl and Roll: Merci.
@k@: Merci.
@Hiro: Thank you.
@Irene: Merci.
@Theys: Merci.
@Bigezbear: Thank you.
@Lorraine: Merci.
@Slackwater - don: Thanks, Don.
@Susan: Thanks, Susan.
@dabbler: Thank you.
@Fonts: Gracias.
@Foto-aksent: Thank you.
@Sof: Merci.
@MARIANA: Some people like the woo-woo effect. The only way blurry close-ups work for me is when I am creating a selective focus where I only want part of the image to be tack sharp. But something damn well better be sharp!!
@Self-Indulgence: Thank you.
@MrsAmber: Being out there all day, Kate, tends to force a little creativity, if only to relieve the boredom.
@Judy: Thanks. In B&W, it's kind of blah.
@oncho: Gracias.
@Loner: Thank you.
@BJ: Thank you.
@Marion: Like I mentioned in an earlier response, it was blah in monochrome.
@bekkah: Thank you. I love B&W, but some things just seem better in color.
@Bill Laing: Thanks, Bill. Are you back from the Coast? If so, how was it?
@Tracy: Thanks, Tracy.
@Steve Rice: Thanks, Steve.
@dj.tigersprout: I tried the B&W and it looked blah to me.
@Toni: I tried a monochrome conversion to see what it would look like. It didn't cut it.
@jeff (aka dogilicious): Thanks.
@Shailaja: Thanks.