There are tons of bridges over the Willamette River in the immediate Portland Area. In the Portland Bridge Pedal each summer, we bicycle over 10 bridges (including one over the Columbia River).
HIGH KEY EDIT - late yesterday, I ran my "High Key" photograph through Viveza 2 and added some "Structure." You might want to check it out.
MORE ON 2010 - In addition to having a place to share my work, I joined Am3 to be affected by outstanding photographs. Now I am whipping through so many photographs so fast that I don't begin to allow myself to be penetrated by outstanding photographs. In 2010, I want to spend much more time with photographs that I believe to be exceptional. Closely related to this, I hope to spend more time on my photography and less time commenting and responding on Am3 (as most of you know, this can take up an inordinate amount of time and emotional energy). When it comes to posts, I want to emphasize quality over quantity. As Dave duChemin so rightly reminds us, the world has way too many mediocre photographs. Expect to see fewer posts from me. If we are all lucky, they will be better posts :)) In a later post, I will say that my primary goal for 2010 is to become a better person. That is true. But I also want to become a better photographer.
@Nicholas: They control the whole middle section of the bridge going up and down.
@Marie LC: Oui :))
@Scott F. Schilling: Your wife would love it!!
@LESLIE: Walking along the Esplanade makes for terrific bridge shots.
@MrsAmber: Thanks, Kate.
@Susan: I can see myself spending much the same amount of time but spending it primarily with photographs that I think are outstanding.
@Barbara: You have been a real gift for me this year.
@SOUL AFLAME: Paul, I was so worried when you took your break from Am3; you and I came on in late 2008 at about the same time, and I followed you "religiously." To find you back was like a weight being lifted off of my back.
@Toni: Thanks, Toni.