Bus #33 is coming across the Hawthorne Bridge.
GOT TO THINKING - on this day 5 years ago, I didn't own, and had never owned, a digital camera. Amazing how much water has gone over the dam. (I never again want to have to go through the steep learning curve that I went through with Photoshop.)
@Barbara: Film; never.
@MARIANA: Thanks, Mariana. I was on a totally protected walkway.
@Dulcie: There are two things going today that make a world of difference between 2005 and now. The first is that we have Lightroom that is so photographer-centric and way, way easier than Photoshop. LR eliminates most of what you did in PS. And second, today we have a great variety of plug-ins that are super easy to use and that in 5 minutes do what it takes an hour or two to do in PS. The resources of the digital darkroom are much more photographer friendly today than in January of 2005. (It's hard to internalize how fast the technology is changing.)
@Fonts: I think that it is hard at any age :))
@Judy: I would much prefer to be entering the digital darkroom today; it's way easier; so many more user friendly resources.
@SOUL AFLAME: I hear you, Paul. (Your dad and I are only a year apart.)
@Claudia: That was a bright, sunny day. Those are now hard to come by. Winter is great time for exploring B&W.