This was taken on a beautiful January 23, my first day of shooting after becoming ill. Not much in the way of fine art photography came from that walk. I was just so grateful to be out and about with Beau and a camera.
@Dulcie: Thanks (pun and all). Doing much better.
@Nicholas: Much better, thanks.
@Sarito: Much better thanks.
@daniela scharnowski: Thank you.
@Mhélène: Much better, thanks.
@Barbara: Doing much better, thanks. Beau is a super healer :))
@vu@granby - Wolfgang: Thank you.
@Marleen: If you like drops, check out my post for December 3, 2008.
@jamesy: Doing much better, thanks.
@amy: Yeah; it was really bad for a couple of weeks. I'm much better but still not completely well.